Spring e-Newsletter
Our latest e-newsletter is now available to view online. [...]
Our latest e-newsletter is now available to view online. [...]
LNBP are now able to take bookings for their 2021 [...]
2020 has seen so many of our lives put on hold and plans change because of Covid-19, but like us many of you are thinking positive and ahead to 2021 and beyond.
We have added a new article to our series of Routes and Places To Visit, this time heading on the Grand Union Canal and into Leicestershire.
Autumn is a wonderful time of year to explore our beautiful canals so why not take advantage of LNBP’s unique boat hire opportunity in September and October.
The restrictions from the coronavirus pandemic means our activities are still on hold, but we are brightening up our look for when we are back into service.
Continuing our features on great places and routes to be enjoyed with LNBP Community Boating, we have added another great suggestion to our list of ideas - Drayton Manor Theme Park.
We are pleased to present another feature on great places and routes to be enjoyed with LNBP Community Boating to add to our series - The Birmingham Flyer.
The current downtime from the coronavirus lockdown has however provide opportunity and inspired some of our volunteer skippers to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) to offer their thoughts and views on great routes and places to visit you and your group can enjoy with us from Braunston.
Our series of articles from LNBP's Skippers on great routes and places to visit has a new addition - Wolverton and the London Flyer.