On the 19th September the London Narrow Boat Project (LNBP Community Boating) held its Annual General Meeting with a slight change to its venue and format to those of previous years.
Due to the impact of Covid-19, our AGM, which in the last few years has been held during the Crick Boat Show in May, had to be postponed due to the Show’s cancellation. However special dispensations and permissions for charities such as ourselves gave us the opportunity for the meeting to take place virtually for the first time, using Zoom.
Fifteen members signed into the meeting having been previously sent all the relevant information by post. A further twenty-eight members having responded via a Proxy vote.
The meeting followed the usual agenda
- Approving the minutes of the last meeting held in May 2019
- Approving the audited accounts
- Re-election of two trustees
The most significant item on the agenda was the approval of the new Company Articles which brought the project up-to-date with Companies House and allowed Foxley Kingham to act as medium on our behalf, negating the need for a Company Secretary.
Under the new articles the necessity for yearly audited accounts are no longer necessary and this it is hoped, would keep the yearly expenses down whilst still maintaining fiscal transparency.
During the meeting, Peter Page and Chris Woodward were re-elected as trustees
At the end of the year our existing financial director Chinyere Ejiofor will be retiring from the project. Chinyere has been the FD for several years and her knowledge and valued input will be very much missed in the years to come. The meeting thanked Chinyere for all her hard work with the project, it has been very much appreciated. The project wished her best wishes for her and her families future
The project was introduced to Laszlo Roszpopa who has joined the project as our Treasurer and all the members wished him well in his future with the project.
The meeting closed with thanks to everyone concerned with the project.