Last weekend saw LNBP stage its 17th Skippers Workshop and Winterising Weekend.

Whilst some hardy souls travelled up and stayed on board the boats on Friday night, the majority of those that could attend convened at Braunston’s Scout Hut on Saturday morning for a morning meeting and briefing.
(sadly Chairman Peter had to return home due to illness)
Lunch (kindly made by Di…thank you) was followed by the Skipper’s Workshop in the afternoon, before many retired to do some final checks to the boats whilst daylight prevailed. When that had gone, it would be remiss to have a couple of hard earned drinks over an evening meal!
Those that remained for Sunday put the final touches to the boats so they are safe, sound and secure for their winter hibernation.
And LNBP were not the only ones busy on the canal at Braunston.
As the pictures shown on our Facebook link here show, Canal and Rivers Trust were hard at work in the lead-up to the weekend and would be afterwards.
A huge thank you to everyone who made the effort to attend and offered their input with the Workshop and also putting Lancelot and Guinevere to bed for the winter.
And as always, a big thank you to Braunston Scouts for the use of their Scout Hut.



We continue to be reliant on the efforts of volunteers who give their time to ensure the smooth running of the organisation and the canal boat experiences we provide.
We are always keen to welcome new volunteers to our organisation, so if you are 16 years old and over, why not consider getting involved?